Why the Name DIVINER?
We are all seeking clarity from confusion…
Welcome to our space. I’m so glad you’re here.
DIVINER is an agency born out of necessity. It’s an idea that started not from asking “why?” but rather, “why not?”
When I first started on this path, I faced a legion of doubts. Learning about marketing tools and methods, I began to question whether I was ready to start my own business. Was my perspective truly valuable? What if my approach failed? Lots of negative voices raced through my mind.
But clarity came while searching for the name of the company. It was beautifully simple. And it proved how many amazing things can happen during the ideation process.
I gained so much insight from a single realization. That realization became my brand. And from that stemmed everything else—all creative efforts, planning, and outreach.
What is my audience seeking? What value do I bring?
Clarity from confusion. Action instead of paralysis. Momentum not stagnation.
By realizing the positive attributes of change, I found the meaning of DIVINER. It turns out I had to go all the way back to my childhood, digging deep and recalling what used to capture my imagination and motivate me to learn.
I remembered reading about the oracles and sages of the ancient world. Everyone from emperors to humble villagers sought their advice about what was distinctly impossible to know—the future.
Imagine a mysterious woman, seated on a dais inside of a sinister-looking cave or temple. First the supplicant would have to sacrifice a young lamb (dark, right?). Then the oracle’s acolytes would set sage leaves on fire, filling the room with smoke. The oracle would then have a seizure-like fit as the gods filled her with divine insight. To the people of ancient Greece and Rome, this awe-inspiring spectacle would earn the oracles a sacred place in society. They were powerful. Effective. And most of the time, wrong.
Not until the western world embraced logic and reason did the oracles fall out favor. People turned to observation and their own judgement to make big life decisions.
That’s the concept behind this agency.
Like the oracles, we want to be able to help break down big-picture problems around a business and be inspired to achieve its guiding vision. But we don’t believe in the need for a mysterious, unapproachable person (or company) who siphons away money while demanding implicit trust. Sometimes, results are promised but never achieved. Other times, that company fails to understand the personality of the brand they represent, trying to homogenize all their clients into a one-size-fits-all approach.
DIVINER strips away the mystery, returning power to the decision-makers in an organization, no matter how big or small. With our unique, holistic, research-based approach, we give you the facts to make impactful data-driven decisions.
Imagine: how freeing is that?
Now, instead of struggling to predict sales and audience behavior, reliable means to achieve consistent results are within reach.
Being able to take ideas and transform them into action plans is the first order of any successful business.
In 2020, most of us faced some kind of existential crisis. That kind of experience is not only powerful, but transformative.
As the founder of DIVINER, 2020 jumpstarted the realization of creative potential and a desire to serve others. It led to acceptance of an independence of spirit and realization of what it means to be truly authentic.
Don’t let struggle keep you down.
Most ideas start small. Expect troubleshooting. Rewrites. Frustrating moments where everything you’ve ever created seems completely horrible. But the important part is to keep pushing when you encounter adversity.
Don’t give up on a valuable dream just because you haven’t been able to solve for your marketing troubles.
Let our agency take away confusion and doubt. Let us help you clarify and refine your message from the very beginning, building a strong foundation for a successful business.
As a fresh voice in the marketing arena, DIVINER isn’t afraid to explore new frontiers, new audiences, and new horizons.
Yes, exponential growth is important. So is ROI. But these marketing terms are an offshoot of one thing: your story, and how well you tell it.
Information is power. Identity is your center. Vision is everything.
Trust DIVINER to be the one to help you evolve to the next level.
Book a consult with us today. I promise you’ll be glad you did. Thanks for reading!